Author: Andy Adkins

who is eric cartman’s father? When does she decide to tell eric the truth?

Eyes for Ascent

The last trees’ ladder with wind renting venomless bites; Counting schemes draped behind charming stagecraft lights. As dream rehearsals oblige other visioners’ fast departure, Refashionable word parades melody uninterrupted debaucher. Medicined fanatics then listen freedom from shady prodigious loans And shoulders ready muscles to stream the globe of marching thrones. Though constant change works gauze […]

The unknown

The arguments of political stability should not be upended by one person because the effects will domino uncontrollably onto the localities of democracy. One of my favorite Virgo horoscopes of all time was posted in the bad habits section of Creative Loafing, an Atlanta weekly. Its content was mostly spelled with Donald Rumsfeld’s poem “The […]

Talking Heads

The mule speaks separately with many nice voices about Pasteur’s cows and MiGs flies. Eeyore’s quiet lessons are wordless pages when we read with all senses life’s circle. The Green Beret recognizing only a smoldering ashpile, not a revolt, did not use her magazines. For Bugs Bunny packing Silliness Comfortably is as material as calling […]