Author: Andy Adkins

Daylight Risks

Darkened resemblance awakened columnsAppearing between cover-grown fountainshappily arranged as sticky meadows.Entwined appetites smother adorned ease.First climbing curls entangling canopies,Then falling fattened by warm innocenceTo the round gallops accomplishing ageLike quick stop reminders strung atop clouds.

Unpotted Anxiety

Scavengers devour survival forewords.Their cutaways brighten lashed reflectionWith groaning banners in tongue sown courtyards.Wild uproar sounds unruly auditionFrom fast distressed lips as woeful prelude.Forlorn wisdom is a contradiction Fathering misguided ineptitudeUnsweetened by eloquent courtesy.In it pale moments languish thoughtlessly‘Till adroit learning garlands destiny.

From Harbor to Horizon

Fond companions nest brutality between cloudsOn sharp tacks copied by time & sails.Moonlit & sun-worn until murmuring slowed,Sympathetic travelers aroused swellsTo shower and balm grief with turbulent praise.Like conspicuous torrents,Mercy steamed wantonness overboardAvoiding prow loss, misdirection, and puzzlementsWhere biography compasses precise stewards.

Landscape Resistance

From towered raimentsYouth doubled elliptic pacesMagnify common identityTo separately question memoriesOf frozen eternity. Narrow fools shuffle hungry windsAnd graze flowered mortalityAs quickly fading passengers. Ugly combs, afterward, Abruptly mumble remnantsWith toiled births and blinding affectionLike persistent habits to cloud beginnings.

Guarded Prompts

Wavering fires hurried rust bound silence to delight thunder and tremble ashes.Their unkempt madness puzzle and forsake reason like tear-swept thorns quickly forgotten.Between indefinite promises cleverness jealously laments unbridged wonder.Embellishing sighs brush and contrapose renewal. Deserts learn green abundance from seasoned joy.When fallen, ascend as neighbors until butterflies flicker comprehension.

Table of Contents

A. “On an Unknown Country” Hilaire Belloc B. “Before the Law” Franz Kafka C. Poetry “Laurels Burning” “Capitol Defense” “Invisible Doubts” “Flower Stems” “Uncordial Plots” “Flight” “bubbles” “Triumph” “With Counselor’s Math…” “Annulled Again” “Eyes for Ascent” “Lotus’ed to Happiness” D. Haiku “Invisible Doubts”” “Flower Stems”” “Thought Embers” “Crossing Circles” “Vicarious complexity” “Doting Labors” “Immortal Coins” […]

“Laurels Burning”

Tendrilled distractions ransom tangled feet As embroideries bound tight to their coats By nodes paved,fenced & speedily discrete. Seclusion ballasts orient all floats To ordered convenience from verdant ports Like persistent chattel toiled infections Mining confused silence from private courts. Underneath resolved service solutions, Adventuring youthful contrarieties Celebrate despair beyond moonlit tense Dressing vigils for […]