A. “On an Unknown Country” Hilaire Belloc
B. “Before the Law” Franz Kafka
C. Poetry
“Laurels Burning”
“Capitol Defense”
“Invisible Doubts”
“Flower Stems”
“Uncordial Plots”
“With Counselor’s Math…”
“Annulled Again”
“Eyes for Ascent”
“Lotus’ed to Happiness”
D. Haiku
“Invisible Doubts””
“Flower Stems””
“Thought Embers”
“Crossing Circles”
“Vicarious complexity”
“Doting Labors”
“Immortal Coins”
“Perfect Greed””
“Bandage Caution”
“clouded notes””
“Sight Deposits”
“embeded foxes”
“Without Filters”
“see fit”
“fallen prey”
“Bird Songs”
“bandwidth arousal”
“By Design”
“Elusive Lairs”
“Cures All”
“light steps”
“Funhouse Allusions”
“On Hold”
“faultless Feats”
“The Beckoning””
“Before the Nest”
“Hot Pursuit”
“The difference”
“Affective happiness” or “ah”
“No Luxuries”
“Brambling Bar”
“Elaborate Defiance”
“Imperfect Baskets”
“Mourning Light”
“Quiet Harvests”
E. Comedy Central
Visual aids help. My Wrists Told Me (Marissa Tomei)
Just being derivative
Straightforwardly published Marion County history
Kenny & I found the Brown musical note (phrase)
A Pan Poem by Robert Frost is read by South Park
“what is cheesing?
who is eric cartman’s father?
Talking Heads
Repay ages of tears with ages of tears